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registration form
If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you
Registration Form
Athlete's First Name
Athlete's Last Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Emergency Phone Number
Club you are affiliated with
When: JULY 29- Aug 1 10-12:30pm & Aug 12-16 10-12:30pm
FUNdamentals July 29-Aug 1 U10-13
FUNdamentals Aug 12-16th U10-13
Natke Volleyball Terms and Conditions:
The applicant understands that risk is inherent in any physical activity and agrees that Natke Volleyball and/or JVCENTRE SMED LANE SPORTSPLEX will not be held responsible for any accidents or loss however caused.
By registering for a Clinic with Natke Volleyball, I accept personal responsibility for my participation in any activities and I agree to do so at my own risk. Natke Volleyball and/or JVCENTRE SMED LANE SPORTSPLEX
will not be responsible for any loss, damage, injury or ambulance service in connection with such participation.
I understand that every attempt will be made to contact the guardian or emergency contact should any emergency medical treatment or services be necessary. In the event that, I or my alternate contact can not be reached, I give full consent for any licensed emergency service/medical personnel to provide treatment or service necessary to maintain the health of my child.
​Applicant agrees to permit Natke Volleyball to take photographs of the athlete, which may be used for educational purposes on our website/social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Website) or for promotional purposes and I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the image.
Your Signature
Communication Box
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